quinta-feira, 24 de abril de 2014


for very long i dreamed about
laying by your side
feeling and showing
to be whole inside
now i'm broken once again
i lost everything and i don't know if there's still something to gain

for so long i thought that if you only gave me a chance
i would be able to make it last
maybe forever
now there's nothing you can do
and neither do i

when i dream
i no longer dream about
your lips and your kiss
i dream about death
and leaving
but it will come a moment when i'll dream about living

or i'll leave
for somewhere into the wild
and i want to never been seen again
i want to become a gentle memory
i wanto to fade
from this cynic town
i want to sleep in the ground
until the enlightment comes
or until the tigers find me

sometimes i think they already found me
and i do not care.*

*For Jane, Bukowski

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